

3- Remote Sensing Solution Developer Certificate.. RSSD™ (includes 3 short courses).

The Remote Sensing Solution Developer Certificate... RSSD™ includes three remote sensing and satellite image processing short courses. They are organized in a gradual sequence that teaches you step by step how to become a solution developer. They teach you how to think, design, and implement a model or program that solves an important problem, special request, or customized needs. These customized needs can be; for example: finding the best locations for establishing a resort, a communication facility or antenna, a construction area, or others. Also, these customized needs can be performing a certain sequence of image processing or analysis steps. The courses are explained using advanced Block Programming techniques in a very simple way by using ERDAS Imagine Spatial Modeler.

Courses included in this certificate

14 - Solution Developer Level 1 Online Training Course & tutorial (Using ERDAS IMAGINE Spatial Modeler)

This short course aims to teach you the concept of Block programming and how it is applied in ERDAS Imagine Spatial Modeler. In addition, you will learn step by step how to design a simple model or program, that performs several functions on satellite images. This short course focuses on the development of simple models for beginners, such as producing new satellite images representing Relief, Slope, and Aspect of the terrain. After learning how to design and implement these simple models, you will become a junior solution developer for simple problems, and you will be ready to move to the next course to develop more complicated solutions. Details

15 - Solution Developer Level 2 Online Training Course & tutorial (Using ERDAS IMAGINE Spatial Modeler)

This short course focuses on the development of more complicated models/programs that perform more functions. For example, using the Addition, Subtraction, Division, and Band selection operators for applying the famous NDVI equation; which is used to analyze the health of vegetation on a satellite image. Also, you will design and implement many other examples. After applying these more complicated models, you will become a senior solution developer and you will be ready to transfer to the next course to develop further more complicated solutions. Details

16 - Solution Developer Level 3 Online Training Course & tutorial (Using ERDAS IMAGINE Spatial Modeler)

This short course focuses on the development of a complete solution that solves lots of problems. Such as, selecting the most suitable locations for certain project/projects by developing a model that performs automatic analysis for soil, elevations, slopes, aspects and others. After learning how to design and implement this complete solution, you will become a professional solution developer, and you will be ready to think, design, and implement new solutions; by using new operators, after studying their usage from the Spatial Modeler documentation. Details

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